12 New Year’s Resolutions Angelenos Will Decide to Make But Probably Fail At

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There’s something about the wibbly ether of the holiday season that puts us in a reflective mood. The transplants go out of town (or leave us here, depending on whether we picked up a retail shift in November) and the non-stop action of the city slows its pace.

Suddenly we have some space. Suddenly we get some perspective.


And then we realize, holy heck – we’re about to round up another year. And we haven’t done anything!

Well this year is gonna be different, by gum. Forget prior commitments, the never ending job hunt, and twenty other distractions. This year is going to count. Happiness will be achieved, harmony will happen, we will say adios to our bad habits and success will find us. The good life can be ours if we’ll just make a plan!

It’s a lot of pressure to put on one year. If you’re resolving any of these 12 things, maybe you should just stop.

[RELATED: 21 Memes About Living in Los Angeles Every Angeleno Knows to Be True]

Adventure Realization Cat

Travel More

It’s a big world and we want to see it. Right now.

Thanks to Discovery channel, we’re more aware than ever of the awesome stuff that we are missing worldwide. And the whole point of resolutions is to STOP MISSING STUFF. Chances are, this quest for action is one of the reasons that brought us to L.A. in the first place.

Two responses:

One, we live in one of the most diverse cities of the world. There is a lot to do, see and learn if we’re willing to brave the seven miles of bumper-to-bumper traffic and go. We Like L.A. has at least 40 suggestions to get you started.

Two, instead of a vaguely Walter Mitty aspiration, think about one place you truly want to see. Paris. Venice. What will it take to get there?

Make Your Big Break And Quit Your Day Job

This is your year! Every opportunity must be made the most of. No audition, pitch or interview can be anything less than perfect.

This New Year gusto is well-meaning, but unsustainable. Don’t get me wrong – definitely shoot for the moon. Definitely do your thing with all your heart. Definitely don’t quit.

Just try not to get too hung up on the timing. This kind of thing is worth the long haul.

No More Donuts

Have you seen how many donut shops this city sustains? We can’t stop eating them – all those local businesses will die. Think of the economy, people!

Save money

I mean… good luck.

More Family Time

We always seem to barely tolerate have a  nice time with extended family members and think: why don’t we do this more?

Then we realize how impossible it is to coordinate schedules and get everyone into a state fit for a decent picture, let alone spend meaningful moments together. It’s nearly a week before we can come down from the preparation, travel nerves and failure to meet our mothers’ expectations. Or maybe we just don’t like them very much.

I’m speaking generally, of course. My family is perfect.

Family Confession Bear


We waste too much time on frivolous activities. We should do something important, like volunteer for a worthy organization.

So do it. But also recognize the unofficial activity you’ve taken on voluntarily in the last year. Helped a buddy move? Pitched in on a low-budge film shoot? Worked for credit on a blog or industry website?

L.A. is great at getting us to work for free. If you feel like you haven’t had your fair share of it, there are numerous opportunities to get involved with organizations you already connected to.

Love the library? Ask about getting involved next time you heft a stack up to the checkout counter. Can’t get enough free Shakespeare? Maybe they could use a hand setting up. Everyone from open mic stages to soup kitchens can offer a few hours of feel-good love labor – if you have the love to give.

Be More Positive

Everything in this world seems to conspire to make us feel bad. We even feel bad about how bad we feel.


What does positivity mean to you? If it involves spitting back cheery platitudes after a taste of life’s lemons, I fear the effect is wasted. And it can get you punched if you’re not careful.

Let’s all try not to get punched.

Stop Smoking

It’s a disgusting habit and all your friends want you to stop. But will you? Can you? Do you?

Stop Smoking Meme

Clean More

It’s just gonna get dirty again, right?

Find Your Soul Mate

If L.A. has ten million inhabitants, our perfect match can’t be that hard to find.

Except that it can.

Dating is tough, frustrating and annoying. And if we do happen to find a real connection, the need to know if it’s “The One” will suck the fun out of anything. Who wants to resolve to have less fun?

Dwight Schrute on Love

Learn A Language

You’re walking by Home Depot and a cloud of foreign words follow you. Wouldn’t it be nice to know what those words mean?

Well, yeah, sure… but who wants to do all that learning…?

Stress Less

Just lost your contract and rent is due. Let’s OM our way to peace, shall we?

Between our plethora of yoga studios, beachfront property, and gazillions in revenue, L.A. should be one of the most relaxed cities in the world. Maybe we’ve just forgotten what stress feels like. Or maybe what we think is stress is actually another feeling, like tired or hungry.

Try having a banana and see where things go. Or check out one of these spots.

All This To Say…

When it comes down to it, let’s make the New Year less about what we don’t have and more about what we do. Let’s not get so wrapped up in our plans that we don’t appreciate or enjoy what’s already happening.

I’m afraid you guys are going to read this and think I’m a horrid curmudgeon who hates puppies. Really, this list is at least half jesting. Maybe three quarters. My goal here is to help us lighten up and enjoy life a little more.

That’s my own personal resolution: enjoy life.

Whatever your goals, I hope you will too.


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