This Thursday come out for a FREE event at the Natural History Museum highlighting our city’s nature discoveries!
It’s called Citizen Science & Cocktails and this week’s topic is on L.A. insects and reptiles.
Join Brian Brown and Greg Pauly – BioSCAN and RASCals (Reptiles and Amphibians of Southern California) to learn about two of NHM’s citizen science initiatives and how you can become involved.
NHM is counting on YOU to help in documenting insects and reptiles in our city from forests to backyards, schoolyards, and urban parks, NHM wants your observations and findings.
Sort of like a community science project. Neat!

A cash bar will be available and complimentary light appetizers will be served. The event is free with a RSVP.
6:00pm reception (cash bar + complimentary light appetizers)
7:00pm lecture
8:30pm event concludes
Happening: Thursday, November 12, 2015
Time: 6:00pm – 8:30pm
Cost: Free
Location: North American Mammal Hall, Level 2 at Natural History Museum, 900 Exposition Blvd., Los Angeles, CA