This is What a Ride on the New Expo Line from DTLA to Santa Monica Will Look Like

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You’ve heard the hype behind the Expo line phase 2 extension that’ll take you from the city to the sea. Now Metro is giving you a sneak peek at what that path will look like.

The 6.6 mile extension of the Expo Line to Santa Monica is officially opening on May 20 with trains running every 12 minutes throughout most of the day.


To help promote the launch Metro has put together this below video which showcases what the journey will look like traveling from downtown Los Angeles to the Expo Line stop near the pier.

Take a look:

via Metro Los Angeles / YouTube

It’s been nearly sixty years since since trains have traveled the path from DTLA to Santa Monica so expectations are high that it will help reduce traffic in the area by proving to be a good alternative.

According to KPCC, the ride should take about 45 while LA Weekly estimates it’ll likely be closer to 48 without signal priority.

The train takes you all the way to 4th street and Colorado avenue which is a block from 3rd Street Promenade and about a half-mile from the beach.

Metro is promoting it as an alternative to the 10 freeway with the extension adding the following stations: Palms, Westwood/Rancho Park, Expo/Sepulveda, Expo/Bundy, 26th Street/Bergamot, 17th Street/Santa Monica College and Downtown Santa Monica.

Of the seven new stations, four  will not have parking so riders are encouraged to bus it to the station or ride their bikes and there are plans for a Metro partnership with Lyft.

Virginia Isaad is an L.A.-based journalist who has written for Los Angeles magazine and Angeleno magazine among others. She's lived in the San Fernando Valley since she was five and loves exploring DTLA as much as a day spent at the beach in Malibu. Follow her @virginiaisaad


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