As COVID-19 vaccinations continue across the nation, you might be wondering when you can get yours. Today, Los Angeles County announced an upcoming town hall on Jan. 19 where they’ll answer questions about vaccination efforts, but you can also check the county’s vaccine website to learn more.
The website is VaccinateLACounty.com. Here, you’ll find an FAQ in multiple languages and a page that details how the vaccine will be distributed.
On that page, the vaccine rollout is broken down into phases, each of which contains multiple tiers containing various groups of people. Some groups are people of a certain age or people who work in specific industries. Each group will have either a red or green circle next to it. Green circles indicate those groups are eligible for the vaccine now, while red circles indicate those groups need to wait.
Right now, we’re in Phase 1A. This applies to healthcare workers and residents of skilled nursing facilities or other long-term care facilities. This does not just include frontline medical workers. People who work in dental offices, optometry clinics, chiropractor’s offices, and more are included in this phase.
The next phase is Phase 1B. This phase includes two tiers. 1B Tier 1 includes people who are 75 and older and people at risk of exposure who work in education, childcare, emergency services, and food and agriculture sectors. 1B Tier 2 includes people 65-74 years old, people in congregate settings with outbreak risk (such as jails or shelters), and people at risk of exposure who work in some transportation, industrial, residential, and manufacturing sectors. Phase 1B is expected to begin in early February.
Phase 1C includes people who are 50-64 years old and people who have underlying health conditions. Job sectors in this phase include water and wastewater, defense, energy, communications, IT, finance, and government sectors, among others. Phase 1C is expected to begin in March.
There aren’t as many details about Phase 2 yet, but we know it will include people ages 16-49 who do not have underlying medical conditions. You can see all the phases here.
You can also sign up to receive updates about vaccinations via email at VaccinateLACounty.com.
The County will also host a virtual town hall on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube to answer questions about the vaccine and its implementation on Jan. 19. More details about how to access the town hall and submit your questions are coming soon. We’ll update this post when we get them.
Today, the County announced 137 new deaths and 12,387 new cases. Public Health Director Dr. Barbara Ferrer said deaths have increased over 1,000% since early November, and that COVID-19 is killing someone in L.A. County every eight minutes on average. Every minute, 10 residents are testing positive for the virus.
She advised residents to stay home as much as possible and take every precaution should they have to leave for an essential job or task. This includes wearing a mask, washing your hands, social distancing, and bringing wipes to sanitize your phone, keys, door handles, countertops, and anything else you or someone else might touch.