Today’s daily brief includes a contested rent control ballot initiative in Burbank, a deadly house party in Beverly Hills, and allegations of a violent gang of Sheriff’s deputies in Compton. Also, someone decided we needed an AirBnB type app, but for private swimming pools. First, the rundown:
Morning News Rundown
Thousands of Burbank residents have signed a petition to put a rent control initiative on the November ballot, but the city council has so far blocked the the measure through legal challenges. A judge will hold a hearing on the council’s objections this Friday, which is the last day a measure can be added for the November election. [LAist]
A house party at a rented mansion in Beverly Hills turned deadly early Tuesday morning when gunshots were fired just hours after police had been called to the scene to break up the gathering. A 35-year-old woman died and two others were injured. [LA Mag]
A forthcoming lawsuit by a Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Deputy claims that a patrol station in Compton has become overrun by a violent subset of deputies who call themselves “The Executioners.” The group exerts power through threats of force or intentional work slowdowns, and it includes some 40 members. Roughly half of those members have matching tattoos of “a skull with Nazi imagery, holding an AK-47,” according to allegations by Deputy Austreberto Gonzalez. [NBC Los Angeles]
Broken Spanish is the latest DTLA restaurant to permanently close due to the pandemic. Chef Ray Garcia announced the closure in an Instagram post on Tuesday. [Eater LA]
Los Angeles County elementary schools won’t be opening any time soon, or at least until the case rate falls below state criteria for a waiver. The County’s case rate is 355 cases per 100,000 residents. It needs to be below 200 for a potential waiver. [We Like L.A.]
A local union says 28 workers at a Westlake Food 4 Less have tested positive for coronavirus. Workers from the store, along with other community members, are planning a demonstration on Wednesday morning to demand additional safety precautions against coronavirus. [ABC7]
On Monday, L.A. County Public Health Director Dr. Barbara Ferrer expressed cautious optimism that recent measures to close bars and restrict indoor dining have led to a stabilization of infection rates and hospitalizations county-wide. [KCET]
Bicycle accidents involving cars are way down since the pandemic started, according to a statistical analysis. Overall bicycle-car accidents were down 71% over an 11-week period compared year-over-year. [Crosstown]
David Lacey, husband of Los Angeles County DA Jackie Lacey, has been charged with three counts of misdemeanor assault stemming from an incident with Black Lives Matter L.A. protestors outside the Lacey home in March. Lacey allegedly pointed a gun at the protestors. [Los Angeleno]
Worthy Read
Writing for the LAnd Magazine, Lexis-Olivier Ray and Samantha Helou Hernandez dive deep into the rise and fall of Sqirl and its owner, Jessica Koslow. Sqirl made headlines last month when allegations of moldy jam created a public uproar and put a spotlight on the restaurant’s workplace practices. In this exposé, we get an inside view of what went down, including eye-opening perspectives of the under-recognized staff who helped power Sqiril’s––and Koslow’s––ascent. [The LAnd]
Something Random…
Pool as side hustle? A new app is encouraging Angelenos to rent out their residential swimming pools by the hour––sort of like AirBnB, but for pools. L.A. Public Health guidelines don’t expressly prohibit or allow the renting of a private pool, so we’ll see where this goes. [We Like L.A.]