Starting Today, Foot Traffic at Silver Lake Reservoir is One-Way Only

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A mask-wearing pedestrian walks by the new rules posted at the Silver Lake Reservoir path. Photo by Brian Champlin

Yesterday afternoon, Los Angeles City Council members Mitch O’Farrell and David Ryu announced new one-way foot traffic rules for pedestrians using the 2.2-mile loop that encircles the Silver Lake Reservoir.

The rules require everyone using the path to travel in a counterclockwise direction. Additionally, all path users must stay at least six feet away from others who are not part of their household and wear facial coverings.


“We all love the Silver Lake Reservoir path, one of the few public spaces people can still use for their daily exercise while we’re under this emergency declaration,” O’Farrell said in a statement. “I want to see the path remain open during the pandemic, but unless personal distancing is being adhered to and users wear face coverings, we could see the path closed as a precautionary measure to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the city.”

New one-way pedestrian traffic rules are posted at the Silver Lake Reservoir path. Photo by Brian Champlin

As of Saturday morning, compliance with the new rules was still spotty. We Like L.A. observed dozens of pedestrians using the loop, including roughly a fifth who were traveling in a clockwise direction. More people, perhaps a full third, were not wearing face coverings or had their face covering pulled down around their neck.

The one-way traffic and facial covering rules are particularly important because there are parts of the path on the east side of the reservoir where the width of the walking space is little more than seven feet across. Essentially, this means that two individuals passing one another in opposite directions would be unable to abide by the six-feet physical distancing rules currently in effect citywide.

In some cases, runners who wanted to maintain distancing requirements jogged on the street side of the concrete divider that separates the road from the walking path.

Because this is the first day of the new rules, it’s possible that word is still getting out about the changes and not all residents are aware. Signs have been posted at intervals around the perimeter of the reservoir informing the public of the new rules.

You can see a few more pictures from this morning’s activity below.

Clusters of pedestrians walk in opposite directions at the Silver Laker Reservoir loop. Photo by Brian Champlin
Many pedestrians were observed not wearing masks. Photo by Brian Champlin
The Silver Lake Dog Park is still open and in use. Photo by Brian Champlin

Brian is the co-founder of We Like L.A. and a lifelong fan of puns, the Lakers, and late night tacos. Follow him on Twitter @bchampLA


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