Since March 23, the Center for the Study of LA at Loyola Marymount University (also known as StudyLA) has been surveying Angelenos about the coronavirus pandemic. In this evening’s briefing, Study LA Associate Director Brianne Gilbert provided a snapshot of the responses thus far.
According to Gilbert, respondents included over 2,000 adult Angelenos who answered over 30 questions related to COVID-19, either over the phone or online in Spanish or English.
Here are the highlights Gilbert shared:
- 95% of Angelenos say they support the Safer at Home order.
- 59% of Angelenos say that the government’s response has been “just about right,” while 30% think the government could do more.
- Most Angelenos were able to give accurate answers when asked about ways to protect themselves and others and the most common COVID-19 symptoms. After the recommendation that we all wear facial coverings was issued, the number of people who listed wearing a mask as a way to protect themselves and others increased.
- 48% of people questioned have either been laid off or had their hours reduced at work. Those most impacted were younger survey takers and/or those who already had lower incomes.
- Nearly 20% of Angelenos said they don’t have anyone they can depend on for care.
“We still need to reach out to our neighbors to make sure everyone really does feel safer at home,” Gilbert said as a takeaway.
So, if you’ve been thinking about reaching out to a neighbor or friend, now might be the time to do so.
You can see StudyLA’s full report online tomorrow morning here.