Yes, it’s that dreaded time of year again when love is in the air and you get the not-so-subtle reminder that you are, in fact still single.
Not to worry! There are plenty of things to do in Los Angeles for those who find themselves in the lonely-hearts club for Valentine’s Day. And NO, that does not mean sit in and watch The Notebook on Netflix with a huge bottle of wine wishing that (insert hot celebrity of your choosing) would bust through your door. Save that for your next Friday night in.
They say one is the loneliest number, but here at We Like L.A., we have come up with a sweet list that will make you forget you’re single and prevent you from turning to your Tindr account for a last minute date.
List starts after this appropriately titled musical interlude. Enjoy!
Puppetzilla: Anti-Valentine’s Day Puppet Slam
What a better way to fight the single blues than with puppets. Seriously, they make everything way better. Performed by The Los Angeles Guild of Puppetry and held at the Bootleg HiFi, this Valentine’s Day bashing might be just what you need to forget that you reactivated your OKCupid account…for the fifth time.
Mortified L.A. Doomed Valentine’s Day
Do you think you’ve had the worst Valentine’s Day ever? Come share your story with like-minded folks at this live storytelling experience. Held at the King King, where the Drinks are strong so you have the right amount of liquid courage to get you through.
Anti-Valentine’s Party
Are you one of those people who insist that Valentine’s Day is a holiday invited by Hallmark (but you still buy the half of chocolates the day after)? Should you find yourself wanting to be done with the whole Valentine’s Day concept, come down to Bird’s annual Anti-Valentine’s Day bash. There will be plenty of drinks, voodoo dolls, anti-love songs and a prize for the best/worst “dumped” story.
My Bitter Valentine
Strictly for “singles or miserable couples” with all black attire encouraged, The Other Door puts on a hell of a anti-valentines day shin dig. They have champagne for one options and hand out dead black roses through out the night. If attending this doesn’t declare your hatred for the holiday, nothing will.
Dine with Your Dog at Tony’s Darts Away
Over in Burbank at Tony’s Darts Away diners are invited to bring in furry friends to join them for a brunch extravaganza – complete with a Valentine’s Day treat for dogs! If dogs, great vegan food, and craft beer sound like a winning combination, this could be the perfect way to celebrate the day.
Treat Yourself
I make it a mandatory item on my Valentine’s weekend (single or not) to have some sort of spa treatment. It’s nice to feel a little pampered, and you should always TREAT YOURSELF. It could be getting your nails and hair done, or that 90 minute massage Groupon you’ve been eyeing. Doesn’t matter, just go out and do something nice for yourself. Gentlemen. go out and treat yourself to an old fashion shave.
Take a Hike
What better way to get out those pent up feelings about your ex’s than to sweat it out? Check out our 9 Easiest Hikes You Can Do in Los Angeles list to find some awesome trails to blaze and clear your mind from all this love nonsense.
Catch a Flick
Feel like taking the dreaded “going to the movies alone” test? Surprisingly Valentine’s Day weekend is a great time to do so! And what better place to do so than the famous Egyptian Theatre? Films that will be showing that weekend are Brokeback Mountain, Gone With the Wind, and Breakfast at Tiffany’s. Because nothing says love more than pudding, fire, and Tiffany’s.
Love Hurts Tour at LACMA
A fun way to see heartbreak throughout the ages is with this self-guided tour. LACMA provides you a tour list to see what works they think best show all the emotions of post-love within the museum. When you are done, be sure to stop by the one of the four food options at LACMA and treat yourself to dinner!
Join a Meetup Group
Why spend Valentine’s Day alone? Check out the Meetup site and see what cool things are happening on February 14th. What you do doesn’t have to even be V-day oriented, you can just go out and meet some cool new people. Oh, and while you’re at it, make sure to join our We Like L.A. Meetup group too 😉
Got any more ideas for singles to do on Valentine’s Day? Let us know in the comments below!
Spending most of her life on the East Coast, Ashley has embraced her inner California girl and is now a full time resident. A self-proclaimed geek, owl enthusiast, and sushi lover. You can find her making jokes where they're likely not needed. Follow her on Instagram @ashlyub