Think we were done with heatwaves for 2020? Fat chance. Also today: County Supes remain cautious about reopening, a new lawsuit in the shooting death of Andres Guardado, and a vigil to remember those who have died from COVID-19. Finally, did a man really fly a jetpack alongside a commercial airliner at LAX? Seriously. First, some news stuff.
Morning News Rundown
The National Weather Service issued an excessive heat warning for L.A. County’s valley and interior areas Friday through Monday, and Saturday to Monday for coastal areas. Temperatures are expected to be hottest on Sunday when non-beach areas may see highs between 100 to 115 degrees. Translation: Stay hydrated and out of the sun if you can avoid it! [NWS]
The L.A. County Board of Supervisors met yesterday to discuss the latest state reopening guidelines from Gov. Gavin Newsom. L.A. is currently in the Purple Tier (widespread infection), which allows salons, barbershops, and indoor malls to reopen with reduced capacity and safety modifications. However, local health officials are proceeding with caution in determining when the County will allow such indoor businesses to reopen. [CBS Los Angeles]
Follow this: A man crashes his van into three parked cars on Hillhurst Avenue. The man exits his vehicle apparently dazed and/or drunk. Police arrive at the scene. Man walks away without being detained. Whaaaaat…? That’s what bystanders say happened on Aug. 22 in Los Feliz. Fox 11 obtained cell phone footage of the aftermath. Video and photos show the driver struggling to stay upright as he walks away from the crash. The LAPD has apparently launched a personnel investigation related to the incident. [LA Mag]
The family of Andres Guardado has filed a lawsuit against the LASD over the fatal shooting of the 18-year-old by Deputy Miguel Vega. Remember that earlier this week, we learned of testimony from an LASD whistleblower alleging that Deputy Vega was also a prospective member of The Executioners. On Tuesday, the County Board of Supervisors voted in favor of a coroner’s inquest to ascertain what happened in the case. [KTLA]
This past Monday evening, a solemn group gathered outside the Board of Supervisors building on West Temple Street for a vigil to remember the thousands of county residents who have died due to the coronavirus. The vigil was organized by leaders of community groups and workers unions, including the Los Angeles County Federation of Labor. One of the goals of the demonstration was to push for more measures to ensure worker safety in the midst of the pandemic, including worker-led health councils. To date, L.A. County Public Health has reported 242,521 positive cases and 5,829 dead due to COVID-19. [CBS Los Angeles]
A Rocketeer at LAX
Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Is it… a person in a jetpack flying alongside a commercial airliner as it lands? Two pilots reported seeing such an occurrence while their aircraft was on approach at LAX this past Sunday night. Now the FBI is investigating. Shoutout to 2020 for getting just a little bit stranger! [KTLA]
Brian is the co-founder of We Like L.A. and a lifelong fan of puns, the Lakers, and late night tacos. Follow him on Twitter @bchampLA