It’s always nice to have our president lending his measured opinion on our state, right? Also this morning: Health enforcement leads to fewer COVID-19 infections, a Boyle Heights fire leads to a weed grow discovery, and what happens if your ballot signature doesn’t match state records? Finally, info on the race for the District 4 City Council seat.
Morning News Rundown
Donald Trump weighed in on the “fake” ballot drop box controversy brewing in California. Taking to Twitter this morning, the president urged California republicans to “fight on” in their efforts to collect ballots via unofficial drop boxes around the state, which have so far appeared in at least four counties. To recap, California’s Secretary of State and Attorney General have already sent the state GOP cease-and-desist letters regarding the boxes, but so far, it seems the GOP is unmoved by that threat. For what it’s worth, Trump also tweeted two days ago that “California is going to hell,” so one might assume his advocacy for illegally labeled ballot boxes is a move in the opposite direction. Riiiiight… [Politico]
Speaking of our president, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the Trump administration’s push to end the 2020 census count early. [LAist]
Is health enforcement in the workplace curbing COVID-19 infections among people of color? Los Angeles County officials say there’s been a significant decrease in infection among high-risk populations over the past several months, which can be directly attributed to ramped up enforcement of guidelines and the opening of tip lines for complaints. [LAist]
In news that will surprise no one, the official parade to celebrate the Lakers 2020 NBA Championship is on hold due to the pandemic. [ABC 7]
If part of your voting plan is the mail-in ballot, you probably know your signature is required on the return envelope that affirms your identity. But what happens if state records of your signature don’t exactly match up with how you sign the 2020 ballot? LA Magazine has an explainer. [LA Mag]
A fire inside a commercial building in Boyle Heights led to the discovery of a cannabis grow inside, along with numerous bottles and tanks filled with unknown chemicals. It’s not clear at this time whether the grow was permitted or not. [L.A. Times]
Incumbent David Ryu and challenger Nithya Raman are campaigning for L.A. District 4’s City Council seat. On yesterday’s edition of Press Play, Madeleine Brand produced a segment on the battle. That same day, Jon Regardie authored a compare-and-contrast article on the candidates for L.A. Magazine. If you’ve actually read this A.M. Brief before, you probably know my opinion on the matter, but if you live in District 4 and need a primer on the City Council race, these two pieces of content are a nice place to start.
Brian is the co-founder of We Like L.A. and a lifelong fan of puns, the Lakers, and late night tacos. Follow him on Twitter @bchampLA