Hollywood Sign Hike Scheduled for Sep. 27th Getting Pushed Back to October

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Hey guys, I just wanted to let you know that with the recent heat wave in mind, and after conducting a bit of a discussion on Facebook, I decided that ultimately it would be safer, more enjoyable, and encourage more of a turnout to push the hike back to Saturday, Oct. 11th.

I apologize for the inconvenience, but hopefully everyone understands our motivation for moving the date back.


I’ve made updates to the hike announcement post to reflect the new date, and will be updating the Facebook event page as well.

Also, if you want to make sure to stay in the loop for future announcements like this, please be sure you’re on our email list.


Brian is the co-founder of We Like L.A. and a lifelong fan of puns, the Lakers, and late night tacos. Follow him on Twitter @bchampLA


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