You can now apply for a residential street in your neighborhood to become a “Slow Street.” Slow Streets will temporarily close to vehicle traffic, allowing pedestrians to have more space to walk, run, jog, bike, or scooter while physical distancing.
L.A. County officials and Mayor Eric Garcetti announced the local Slow Streets program earlier this week as an additional opportunity for locals to enjoy outdoor recreation without compromising current health orders. Other cities, including Oakland and Seattle, have already implemented similar programs.
The city will limit Slow Street closures to no more than 25 city blocks on local residential streets only. And if you live on one of these streets, know that they won’t close to local traffic or parking.
To nominate a street in your neighborhood, find a sponsor organization that will communicate with the city and claim responsibility for your Slow Street. For example, your organization could be a local church, business or homeowners association, community organization, neighborhood council, or block club. (There is also an option to apply without one.) If your street is ultimately approved, your organization must agree to a set of expectations, including monitoring the Slow Street for broken infrastructure or behavior that violates health orders.
Slow Streets aren’t meant for gathering, but for local use only, and you’ll have to abide by current guidelines—including physical distancing and wearing facial coverings—when using them.
The good news is that if you’re always worried about getting too close to strangers when passing on narrow sidewalks, you can use Slow Streets to space out with your family, your dog, or just by yourself.
For more info or to apply for a street near you, click here.