This is What it Looks Like When You Turn In-N-Out Hamburgers Into Egg Rolls [VIDEO]

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Is it blasphemy to mess with perfection?

The folks at Foodbeast dared to find out when they documented the transformation of an In-N-Out hamburger into a set of golden (and possibly delicious?) egg rolls.


The recipe for the In-N-Out egg rolls, which is the brainchild of chef Josh Elken, involves slicing up an In-N-Out burger, combing in a mixture of fries and grilled onions, then stuffing it all into a pre-made egg roll wrapper. The roll is then submerged into a piping hot pot of oil to fry until perfectly browned.

Oh, and the best part? They even use the In-N-Out spread as a dipping sauce once the frying is complete.

So what does the result actually look like?

Watch for yourself in the below video.

[RELATEDSimply The Most Complete In N Out Secret Menu List In the World]

via Foodbeast / YouTube

[h/t Mental Floss]


Brian is the co-founder of We Like L.A. and a lifelong fan of puns, the Lakers, and late night tacos. Follow him on Twitter @bchampLA


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