In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, many Angelenos are going grocery shopping only to find that stores are out of bottled water, toilet paper, canned goods, and several other items. Not only does this stockpiling behavior limit supplies for others, but it may also be entirely unnecessary.
According to a release from LADWP, there is “no threat to your public drinking water supply and no need to use bottled water.” LADWP’s treatment process is designed to protect the public from viruses and bacteria. If you were drinking tap water before, you can continue to drink it now. You should also feel safe using tap water to wash your hands, which you should be doing frequently and after you’ve been out in public. You can see the CDC’s guide to proper handwashing here.
LADWP also assures customers that they’re monitoring the situation and have procedures in place to make sure essential operations continue. So, you can tell the next person you see hoarding bottled water that it’s fine to leave some for your neighbors.
To read LADWP’s entire statement, including info on how to apply for an extended payment plan if you’re facing financial hardships related to COVID-19, click here.