Songs You Listen to When You’re Stuck on the 405

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A few days ago I put up a thread on the We Like L.A. Facebook soliciting community song choices for a playlist I was going to call “Songs You Listen to When You’re Stuck on the 405.”

We got tons of comments with song suggestions, but I knew right away  it was going to take a minute to sort through and actually put a playlist together.


Welp, I took my Sunday morning, listened to a bunch of the tracks, then compiled this below playlist on the We Like L.A. Spotify account (yes, we’re even on Spotify). The result is an eccletic little mix of 2+ hours of music which will hopefully make your daily L.A. commute (whether it’s on the 405 or some other freeway) suck just a little bit less. Kudos to everyone who made awesome suggestions and for helping compile such a sweet playlist!

Oh, and I even made few call-outs (you’ll see after the jump) to some of the best suggestions made by our readers. Call it my ‘playlist awards’ section.

In any case, enjoy the tunes!

Most Feel Good

Mr. Blue Sky by ELO

Most Road Rage Inducing

Bad Habit by The Offspring

Most Accurately Expresses How I Feel About Other Cars on the Road

Get Back by Ludacris

Most Flat-Out Depressing

Everybody Hurts by REM

Most Relaxing

Everytime We Say Goodbye by John Coltrane (someone suggested a relaxing jazz station, so I just picked my favorite Coltrane track of all time)

Most Singable

Tie between Santeria by Sublime and Free Fallin’ by Tom Petty

If you’d like to hear more playlist made by We Like L.A. (mostly by Christina), then check out our profile on Spotify give us a follow!

Brian is the co-founder of We Like L.A. and a lifelong fan of puns, the Lakers, and late night tacos. Follow him on Twitter @bchampLA


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