So This is What an In-N-Out Pie Looks Like (Made with 4x4s, Plain Fries, Extra Cheese)

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No, the giant meat and fry pie you’re about to see being made can NOT be found on the secret menu at In-N-Out… at least not yet 😉

Leave to the folks from the Food Beast Kitchen to fill the void in the interim.


Using a combination of 4×4 burgers, plain fries, In-N-Out spread, pre-made pie crust, a few eggs, a bit of half and half, grilled onions, and plenty of extra cheese, let’s just say the finished product is definitely what a meat pie is all about.

In any case, I’m going to leave the video here for your glutinous pleasure (or disgust, depending on your outlook).


[RELATED10 Spots For The Best Burgers in Los Angeles]

via Foodbeast / YouTube


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