Today, L.A. Mayor Eric Garcetti appeared at LAX to talk about a new “terminal wellness pilot program.” It involves a pair of thermal cameras that check the temperatures of arriving and departing passengers to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.
According to Garcetti, these cameras can detect body temperatures of 100.4 degrees or higher. Should someone have an elevated temperature, a trained medical professional will approach them for a second screening with a hand-held, no-contact thermometer.
Those planning to depart with a high temperature will be told they shouldn’t travel. Those arriving may be referred to CDC staff for quarantine instructions.
There are currently two cameras. Both are at the Tom Bradley International Terminal: one at the main entrance of the departure area, another at the arrival area. Garcetti also noted that this is a voluntary program, and signage will let passengers know where both cameras are located.
The thermal cameras won’t replace other safety measures at LAX, and passengers are still required to practice social distancing when possible and wear their cloth face coverings. Some airlines also may require further safety screenings before allowing passengers to board.